Serpenta Developer Handbook 1.0 Help

Data Distributor

The data distributor interface of the middleware configuration is responsible for distributing the fsm_store_name where needed, updating them as necessary. This object must be start-able, kill-able and have all required methods to update, get and register the fsm store.

Usage and place in the architecture

The Data Distributor was born as an idea when deciding on how to receive data from the pod over to the GUI. Because a lot of data has to be available anywhere at any time and updated immediately throughout the UI, a system for managing the income of all new data points and supplying them to any element was necessary.

This led to the creation of the Grand Data Distributor, which functioned as middleware between the Tauri backend and the frontend of the DH08 GUI. To allow for dependency injection as previously mentioned in the architecture article, an interface allowing for it was created—the Data Distributor.

Implementation in the Tauri Starter Kit

When creating the provided Tauri Starter Kit, the implementation of the data distributor is done by using the Grand Data Distributor implementation used in the real DH08 GUI. The option to swap it out for a different implementation still exists if desired.


Below are the TSDoc comments of each method or field part of this interface.


start(interval: number): void;

Start the data distributor middleware. This function is expected to trigger a repeated data fetching operation with the frequency determined by the interval parameter.


  • interval: the interval between each fetching

fetchTestOnce(): Promise<void>;

Fetch data from the Tauri backend exactly once. The interface requires such a method for testing purposes.

kill(): void;

Kill the data distributor and stop its operation, clearing any intervals. This shall free all the memory used by the DataDistributor implementing class.

registerStore<T>(...): void

Register a store inside the Data Distributor. This function will add the store as a member of the distributor's collection and can be retrieved by its name further in the application.


  • name: the name of the store

  • initial: initial value of the store

  • processFunction: the function to process the data

  • initialUnits: units of the store

Type params:

  • T: the type of the value inside the Store

updateStore(...): void;

Update a store inside the Data Distributor.


  • name: the name of the store

  • style: the style of the store as to what colour it shall become

  • units: the units of this store. These do not get changed often but are sent from the config, so they are kept.

  • data: the data to update the store with

getWritable<T>(name: string): Writable<Store<T>>;

Gets the writable (value that can be subscribed to in Svelte) given its name.


  • name: the name of the store whose writable will be grabbed.

Last modified: 29 August 2024