Serpenta Developer Handbook 1.0 Help

Contributing & Maintenance

The Serpenta Standard is not to be left unattained or especially considered dogmatic. I (Kiril from DH08) leave it as a responsibility for the next generations to maintain it or update it the way they desire. This document will give you tips on how to do exactly this—maintaining and developing Serpenta itself.

If you are an outside developer and wish to contribute to this open-source standard, first, thank you so much. This document will guide you through the steps needed to contribute to Serpenta.

Serpenta monorepo structure

Serpenta lives as a monorepo at GitHub. A subfolder of Serpenta is dedicated to its packages—/packages—which contains:

  • serpenta: the Svelte UI kit of Serpenta

  • serpenta-app: a npm binary for creating a new Serpenta-based app with a Tauri integration.


To contribute to Serpenta, one must be familiar with its architecture and follow the code of conduct guidelines of Delft Hyperloop.

Suggesting new features

One can suggest any feature for Serpenta by opening issues in the Serpenta repository.

Last modified: 28 August 2024